
The Problem Of College Education

Decent Essays

Everyone has been socialized to value education since a very young age even if the reasons behind this value are different to those of other people’s. The first couple of years for college students have got to be the hardest because of such drastic changes taking place. There are so many decisions that must be made and that will most likely define who one is for the rest of his or her life. However, there are also new, fun, and exciting experiences awaiting. Beyond getting a piece of paper printed with the word degree on it, getting an excellent education, not just a degree should be the primary focus while in college. It is startling to realize how much of a problem college education has become to some individuals. The typical reason a student finishes high school is because they are told since they begin school that they must get good grades to get into college. What happens when they do get in though, what is the next step? For some it might be getting a good paying job or career but that should not be the only reason for attending college. However, not much is being learned these days, and students are just not motivated (Roksa and Arum 35). It is difficult to measure exactly how much growth is involved cognitively and intellectually (Renn and Reason 202). Nonetheless it is known that the average undergraduate only increases a 7 percentile in critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and writing skills during the first two years in college (Roksa and Arum 35). The lack

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