
The Problem Of Drug Addiction

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Robin was admitted to a residential facility for drug addiction. While she was there, she was given numerous assessments, such as The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and finally the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory. Unfortunately, Robin was unaware that such tests were being administered, as well as being unaware of their purpose. Approximately 6 weeks after the last assessment was administered, Robin enquired about her results, only to be denied and informed that clients were not allowed to see the results of any of the test that were conducted on them.
Moreover, based on the information given, Robin was not under the influence at the time of her admittance. The text …show more content…

The first moral principle is autonomy, it is a principle that corresponds with independence and encourages the client to make his or her own decisions; it enables a client to have freedom of choice. Autonomy also puts onus on the counselor to bolster the client into taking responsibility of his or her own wellbeing, progress and care. However, if the client is unable to make sound decisions then it may be in the best interest of the client to reduce the amount of his or her autonomy in order to reduce the amount of harm to said client.
The second moral principle that Forester-Miler and Davis discuss is nonmaleficence. Nonmalefience equates to non-harming or causing the least amount of harm possible in an endeavor to reach a favorable outcome for the patient. Unsurprisingly, the oath to cause no harm or as minimal harm as possible to the client is viewed by some as being the most important of all codes of ethics but the truth is that all each principle bares the same weight as the other. However, the necessity of the no harm standard is uncompromising.
Beneficence is the third moral principle and it refers to the counselor’s responsibility to the clients’ wellbeing. Therefore, it is the counselor’s duty to not only monitor a client’s progress and ensure that the client is receiving the upmost care but to be instrumental in preventing harm to the client whenever the opportunity arises.
The fourth

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