
An Ethical Dilemma Exists When An Individual Is Deciding

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An ethical dilemma exists when an individual is deciding between two right choices. No dilemma exists if one choice is wrong. What framework guides these decisions? Is the moral value common to all those involved in the decision making process? The commonly accepted virtues of Plato, Socrates, St. Augustine and many other philosophers are honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness and compassion. The expression of these virtues in beliefs guides one’s behavior. In the counseling profession, values plus behavior communicates what one believes concerning what is important. How then does a counselor manage conflicting values in the counseling relationship?
Changing Landscape
Early in 1980, reports surfaced in the mainstream media …show more content…

Another recent survey reported, “41% of the respondents reported at least one suicide attempt, 53% reported being harassed in a public accommodation, and 27% earned less than $20,000 per year, often related to employment discrimination” as members of the Transgender, Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) community (Singh, 2016, p. 755).
The ACA Code of Ethics preamble directs counselors to honor diversity and “embrace a multicultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts” (American Counseling Association, 2014, p. 3).
Nonmaleficence is not a reason to abandon our ethical responsibility. Counselors must take on the professional responsibility of beneficence by continuing education. As the Lord calls us to love our neighbors, He does not delineate those who are and are not valuable in this equation. Therefore, as professional our obligation is to find ways of continually balancing our professional and personal values.
Counselor’s Problematic Dilemma
Eastern Michigan University professor, Irene Ametrano states, “students enter graduate programs with preexisting ideas of right and wrong professional behavior, based in large part on their own backgrounds” (2014, p. 154). Learning to integrate the profession’s ethics into one’s own personal values and beliefs requires a “process of being socialized

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