
The Problem Of Overpopulation And Overpopulation

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Human overpopulation.
Human population can be defined as the condition whereby, the total count of the human inhabiting a certain area exceeds the carrying capacity of the area Bongaarts, (2011). This brings out an issue of the carrying capacity of the region which alludes to the number of individuals who can inhabit a certain area for a given period. It may also be looked at as the situation whereby the available renewable resources in a certain area can satisfactorily support the current population. This, therefore, means that overpopulation may also mean a situation under which, the needs of the current population from the environment is more than the available renewable resources. Therefore, they cannot satisfactorily support the population. This viewpoint is in most cases considered as a long-term approach to, looking at this issue.
Causes of Overpopulation
Apparently overpopulation is one of the major environmental issues that affects the globe. Citing the report that was conducted by the American census indicated that human overpopulation is most predicted shortly. The current world population stands at 7 billion people; a projection was made by the same organizations that around 2050, the world population will be at around 10 billion which by then, will cite an overpopulation around the globe. Therefore, overpopulation is a major issue that is expected to face the world. This calls for serious actions by the human race to prevent this instance from happening. This

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