
The Problem Of University Retention Rates

Good Essays


The problem of university retention rates is not a new issue, but it is a continual situation that must be addressed on a consistent basis. Due to the number of students who choose to transfer from Westland University, we need to create a new academic agenda that will steadily bring in revenue. There was a motion a couple of years ago that tried to rectify this issue, a decision made to close two out of our three commuter campuses. This decision did eliminate some financial burden, but it also hindered our application rates plus the number of transfer students who left Westland for another college did increase. Consequently, until the finances of the university stabilize the school is now moving forward by electing to offer more …show more content…

While my colleagues are more data driven, I am taking the approach of interviewing our current adult learners to see what their suggestions are to tailor our program to their specific needs. Before we had our first task force meeting the yearly data the university puts out data that showed the number of applicants was not the issue. Even when it comes to accepting the offer to come here our numbers were above average. The main problem lies in retaining these students until graduation. The numbers displayed that most students drop out or transfer in-between their freshman and sophomore year. To gain a better understanding of things on an academic level I wanted to get a faculty point of view of how their lower classman behave. I reached out to general education professors to see what their class involved and most classes were solely lecture-based. Since students are forced to take a certain number of credits before they can enter their chosen major, it can become difficult to keep the lecture engaging.

Since the application numbers are above the target range, there must be something drawing in students. The curriculum for the general education program cannot be changed yet how the university has professors teaching it can qualify for needing an adjustment. This option is likely to take time, but when thinking about things in the long- term students, who stay until graduation are worth the cost versus the risk. For my

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