
The Problem, Unemployment, Occurred Of China And Its Effect On Economy

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Introduction: In contemporary China, the flourish economy is of great benefits to many industries such as agriculture, urban housing, taxation and medical care, GDP have a buoyant trend at 7.5%, which causes a spurious fact that too many job opportunities can be created by the enhancement of living standard. However, the statistics from World Bank shows that the GDP of China have a slow upward on economy growth in the past decades, which from 11.4% to 7.4%, the year between 2007 and 2008 dramatically in particular. The inflation (consumer prices) also depicts ongoing slumping trend during the period, hit bottom at -0.7% in 2009.All the truths give rise to a fact that the many job opportunities are exploited by cutting down the number of workers, close-down of small industries and so on. In this paper, I detail the real problem, unemployment, occurred in China and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiencyofonestrategytakenbygovernment. Figure 1. GDP growth(annual %) between 2005 and 2015 (Source: World Bank &period=#) Figure 2 Inflation, consumer prices(annual %) (source from World Bank &period=) ThetypesofemploymentinChina The social problem comes from controversial social condition and consensus social issue, the origin and affect of social issues is itself (Charon, 2001). According to world development indicator, the

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