Introduction: In contemporary China, the flourish economy is of great benefits to many industries such as agriculture, urban housing, taxation and medical care, GDP have a buoyant trend at 7.5%, which causes a spurious fact that too many job opportunities can be created by the enhancement of living standard. However, the statistics from World Bank shows that the GDP of China have a slow upward on economy growth in the past decades, which from 11.4% to 7.4%, the year between 2007 and 2008 dramatically in particular. The inflation (consumer prices) also depicts ongoing slumping trend during the period, hit bottom at -0.7% in 2009.All the truths give rise to a fact that the many job opportunities are exploited by cutting down the number of workers, close-down of small industries and so on. In this paper, I detail the real problem, unemployment, occurred in China and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiencyofonestrategytakenbygovernment. Figure 1. GDP growth(annual %) between 2005 and 2015 (Source: World Bank &period=#) Figure 2 Inflation, consumer prices(annual %) (source from World Bank &period=) ThetypesofemploymentinChina The social problem comes from controversial social condition and consensus social issue, the origin and affect of social issues is itself (Charon, 2001). According to world development indicator, the
One of the hallmarks of china’s socialist economy made a statement promise of employment to all and job-security with virtually lifelong tenure.They were overstaffed to fulfilling socialist goals and job-security lower the workers ‘motivation to work.This socialist policy was called the iron rice bowl.China’s employed labor force is rarely over 800
Nowadays, China has become the second largest economy in the world. The GDP (gross domestic product) of china was growing at 9.7% per year in average since 1978, which the year of Chinese “open door” politic founded. China also has become the biggest producer and consumer in many key agricultural and industrial markets and the largest FDI recipient among the developing countries. The performance of china in developing of economy is called “china’s economic miracle”, which be studied by many economists. However, there are also bad results with the development of economy in china such as environment disruption, corruption and
A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community would deem as being undesirable. A social problem is also a condition ‘created’ by a society that is can usually be alleviated or solved by society. According to our textbook, Social Problems: Reading with Four Questions, there are three criteria that a problem must meet in order to be a social problem. First of all, the problem must be social in origin and caused by social factors. The more its causes are social, the more it becomes a social problem.
A social issue can be defined as ‘social conditions identified by scientific inquiry and values as detrimental to human well-being’ (Manis 1976). I believe that a social issue can be anything that affects a person in a bad way and affects their standard of living. It could be something from a health problem to something to do with a financial issue within someone’s home. I am going to focus on the health
A social problem is an issue within society that a large amount of people are concerned with. The problem itself has to be socially constructed, meaning it has two essential components. An objective condition that can be measured or experienced, and a subjective
According to the author of the book a social problem is “When enough people in a society agree that a condition exists that threatens the quality of their lives and their values, and they agree that something should be done to remedy that condition.”
The United States is full of amazing things, historic landmarks, pizza, Nascar and countless other things that help set our nation apart. However there is one thing that our nation shares with every other nation in the world that isn’t so great, in fact many people would agree it is one of the worst things for a nation to have. No it’s not smallpox, it’s unemployment. Unemployment is unfortunately something a nation cannot vaccinate against. Sadly nations are always going to experience unemployment, and in some cases it can be a real issue. No one likes to hear about high rates of unemployment just like no one wants to catch a case of smallpox. Yet similar to how many people know little about the disease smallpox few people know much more about unemployment other than the current rate of unemployment. There are many factors that make up unemployment and influence it. This financial report will focus all about unemployment.
What is a Social Problem? A social problem is a general factor that affects society. It is a problem affecting a certain group or area of people. I chose poverty as my social problem for this paper. What is poverty? Poverty is the state of being poor. It has many forms, from living in a house with just enough money to get by, to living on the street. Poverty can affect you in many ways. It can affect your health and your education. Many people that live in poverty currently probably didn’t get a proper education. Which means they probably grew up in poverty or got affected by poverty in some way.
A Social Issue is where a whole society or a group of people within the society by affected by a specific problem which usually take a large number of people within the society to rectify or solve the problem at hand.
Poverty is a social problem that has increased the risk of poor health and criminal activity in the United States of America. Consequently, poverty is different from other social problems, as a result; it affects people in different ways, and it limits development of people’s skills, ability, knowledge, and everything about them. A social problem is a social condition or pattern of behavior that affects some individuals or all people in the society. According to Kendall (2013) social problem is systematically disadvantage or harm a significant group of individual or when they are seen as harmful by groups of people that wield power, wealth, and influence in a group or society. Additionally, problems that harm a significant number of people include violence, fear of crime, environmental pollution, and inadequate access to health. However, there are some problems that occur in the society, not all these problems meet the proof to be defined as a social problem. Pursuing this further, not all circumstances occurring today in the society can be easily changed.
A social problem is essentially defined by the national attention it gains, its potential to be resolved, and if there are groups that
Social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of residents within a society. It has been a part of society for more than thousands of years. Some have displaced to put up with the evolution of the world while others have disappeared over time. Social issue is a condition that most people consider disagreeable. Distinct nations share comparable social problems as well as different ones. A few examples in the United States include crime, juvenile delinquency, racism, inadequate access to healthcare, drug abuse, murder, etc.
The second macroeconomics variables we choose is unemployment rate. Based on the materials shown above, among 2004 to 2008 years, the unemployment rate decrease which means the many people get the job during these years. Unemployment rate can be resulted when the employees leave their job to find a better one. Another reason causes the unemployment is the unemployed persons lack the skills or experience to obtain a job. Moreover, the youth who just graduated need longer time for seeking a suitable job that fits their new skills and qualifications. These show the in short-period of unemployment situation. Among these years, the local economy in good condition which had founded many companies such as utilities companies, financials companies, industrials that create many job opportunities. The foreign direct investment increase also creates the job opportunities in Australia. The high level of Australia exports of goods and services within these years results the good economy condition in Australia, the unemployment rate decline each year.
A social problem is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that needs to be addressed. Social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of the individuals within a society. It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual's social issue is the source of a conflicting opinion on the
In terms Economics, since five year ago, China’s economy experienced significant GDP growth rate. Reports suggest that if