
The Problem With Communication Is The Illusion That It Has Been Accomplished

Decent Essays

Hey guys! :)

So I missed “Monday Mantra” but I thought to make up for that, I would go ahead and post a “Tuesday Truth” which leads me into today’s post “Five Ways To Communicate Effectively”.

Since starting my new job, I have taken on a lot of new things. I am learning everyday and I love that but no matter how much we love to learn, or how much we think we already know, the one thing that will continue to be a work in progress throughout our lives is communicating effectively.

As Mr. Shaw quotes, “The problem with communication, is the illusion that it has been accomplished.” This is especially true in the workplace. For many of us, our job demands that we multi-task so right there, communication is weakened and it’s easy to have misunderstandings that most of the time could have been avoided if we had just done one tiny thing-


Some us will admit we’re not the best listeners and others will claim to be great listeners when in reality, they only listen with the purpose of responding and fail to absorb what is actually being said.

Guilty as charged.

As I mentioned earlier, big learning curve at work right now and in certain situations my primary language, English, falls short because English is not a first language for everyone I work with so training takes on a whole different meaning but in the best way possible. It has forced me to slow down, to be more mindful of tone and expression and really focus on what is and isn’t being said.

At first,

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