
The Pros And Cons Of Academic Cheating

Satisfactory Essays

In todays society students are finding ways to take the simple way out. Kids in this new generation, they have adapted to cheating, the cheating can be on test, essays, quizzes, or any type of exam if you name it the students will find a way to cheat. Academic cheating has always been a problem and will always be a problem in all the schools nationwide. The students in today’s schools are just focused on cheating and not really learning anything for there own benefit. This kind of behavior from these students will carry on throughout their life if they don’t stop cheating it could lead to worse things in their lives. If they cheat on their schoolwork then they grow up they will likely cheat on job applications and not follow directions etc. Students of any grade level will cheat just to get out of studying for an easy quiz or managing their time for their academic work. A lot of students will go to any lengths to cheat just to get a good grade and they cheat like this just to impress their parents. The majority of the people today believe that cheating is wrong in all the ways possible. People also consider cheating very unethical and very immoral. The main objective for a student in school is to gain knowledge and learn stuff about how the world works. Students need to gain as much knowledge as possible while they are in school. So when students cheat that just results in you not being able to gain the knowledge you need to know for your future. An expression that is commonly used “do unto others as you would unto you.” Although this rule seems easy to follow, it also can be very hard for some people to understand it especially students. Like all rules they can be abused but this rule can be abused because some people don’t understand what it means and its abused by people with their own self interest. In todays world when students cheat and plagiarize on their test and other exams they just want to keep their parents happy and not get into trouble for having bad grades. When the students have an increase to their grades the students are given pats on the back and congratulated by their parents, the students do this so they don’t have to go through punishment by their parents because of their low

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