
The Pros And Cons Of Business Strategy

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Business executives in the 1970s and 1980s viewed business strategy as the surest way of increasing productivity and profitability. The assumption is that everything that was significant to decision making and strategic planning could be expressed and subjected to quantitative test, the result would show executive the best strategies. Strategization or strategic planning therefore became a replacement for corporate planning which was long-term focused and useful for developing and guiding diversification strategies that many large companies were pursuing during the 1960s, but failed to deliver expected results. Strategy making focus on positioning the company in the markets relative to competitors in order to maximize the potential for profit. …show more content…

According to Alfred Chandler (1962) strategy is the “determination of the long-run goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals. Michael Porter also observes that strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value. Grant (2010) also says that the notion of business strategy is focused on achieving certain goals; that the critical actions that make up a strategy involve allocation of resources; and that strategy implies some consistencies, integration, or cohesiveness of decision and actions. Strategy is a plan, method or certain specific actions devised to achieve specific goals. The overall strategic management process can be grouped into two major stages: strategy formulation stage and strategy execution stage. Strategy formulation involves creating and establishing an organization's overall mission and vision and the ways to achieve them. Strategic formulation includes the following …show more content…

Strategic planning compels businesses to be proactive than reactive in managing their future endeavor (David…). That makes business take initiatives and influence activities rather than just responding to activities- and thus to have control over its own destiny. Strategy improves decision making. It makes decision making simple by constraining the range of decision alternatives considered and also reduces the searched required to find an acceptable solution to decision problems. Strategy-making also pools and integrate the knowledge of different individuals. As a coordinating devise, strategy coordinates the actions of different organizational members. It is a communicating devise that communicates the identity, goals, and positioning of the company to all organization members. It is concerned not only with how the firm will compete now but also with what the firm will become in the future. It helps to establish a direction of the firm’s development and also the aspirations that can motivate and inspire members of the organization (Grant,

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