
The Pros And Cons Of Cybercloying

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Every year, billions of dollars is being lost due to cybercrime and security. Harassment, Identity theft, online predators, and ransom are some of the most cybercrimes being committed, that's causing the most harm to billions of people.
First, there are many forms of harassment that can take place online. There is cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and internet trolling. Although all three deals with harassment, they all mean something different. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place via social media, apps, gaming, share content, text and etc. It includes posting, sharing, commenting, and sometimes even reacting to false or even mean comments regarding another person. No Bullying: The World's Authority on Bulling, reported that in 2016, over nine million people have looked for some type of help or asked for advice regarding cyber bullying (NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources, 2017).
Bully victims are between two to nine times more likely to attempt to commit suicide. It is important to take note of this because the suicide age is starting to become younger as years go one. For example, a eight year old Cincinnati, OH boy had committed suicide in his house. Gabriel Taye committed suicide because he was being bullied at school by his peers and at his school there was an incident where on camera you can see one of his peers hitting him causing him to go unconscious. It was unclear if the child was being bullied online also because investigation is still in

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