
The Pros And Cons Of Fluoridation Of Water

Decent Essays

It’s in our water, our toothpaste, our mouthwash, and even our food. This may sound like the opening sentence to some zombie virus horror flick, but this is a reality. The element fluorine is added to many consumer products, such as mouthwash, toothpaste, and municipal water. The fluoridation of these products began in 1945, when the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first city to fluoridate its water supply and had been ever present since. Some advantages of this process are fluorine aids in preventing tooth carrie, or decay. Some disadvantages are fluorosis, a change in enamel opacity. Some claim that Fluoride can cause mental disabilities in children, but claims and studies such as these are often discredited. Water fluoridation is a very widespread topic which comes with its own advantages, disadvantages, and a unique history.

Fluoridation of water began in the United States and Canada during 1945 and 1946, with Grand Rapids, Michigan being the first city ever to use fluoridated water. The 1940’s and 1950’s began the crusade for fluoridated water, after research done by the U.S. Public Health Service explored the effects of fluorine and the recommended dosages. During this time, producers began to insert fluoride into many products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, or processed beverages. Much of the research suggesting the percentages of fluoride in these products was conducted before the 1980’s, so many different modes and suggestions have evolved.

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