
The Pros And Cons Of Global Inequity

Decent Essays

As the societies and technology progress, the global market continues to expand every day. Globalization in its current state seems to be a dichotomy of wishing to help poverty on a global scale and wishing to use its existence to get ahead. Nonetheless, the line is too often blurred between the two. Alison Brysk begins her academic book Globalization and Human Rights with her own definition, saying, “Globalization is a package of transnational flows of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority” (1). Fueled by the strict laws and regulations regarding labor practices in countries such as those in Europe and America, many businesses in the industrialized world look toward developing countries with the least labor regulations for production purposes. This phenomenon has become known as the “race to the bottom” in major media. As multinational corporations attempt to get ahead through this process, it has exacerbated global inequity by providing workers in developing countries with the production company’s minimum wages and protections. This growing issue caused by particular industries will be given as context before showing the ways global inequity can be combatted on an individual business level and a governmental level.
This spread of unethical outsourced production practices has reached an extreme in several industries, two of which are chocolate and textile industries. According to Dawson College Economics professor Brice Smith, child slavery and

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