
The Pros And Cons Of Imperialism In India

Decent Essays

In the eighteenth century, industrialization boomed in Europe. With new products and factories being made, the number of natural resources began to decrease. To combat these hardships, the western powers looked elsewhere for their supplies. Weaker countries were targeted because the colonial powers knew they had a superior army, government, and economy. This act is what’s known as imperialism. Many weaker countries tried to fight back against imperialistic powers, but countries like India and China failed to resist colonization because they were internally weak and lacked industrialization. When the Mughal empire declined in the 1700’s, Britain turned its focus on India. The recent decline left India weak and ideal to colonize. Britain already had influence in India with the British East India Company, but now their outlook on India became political. The people of India were very diverse, spoke different languages, and had contrasting cultures. This was a disadvantage as Britain used their inability to unite against them. The British helped stimulate competition between the various Indian people and their princes. The Indians also had inferior weapons that couldn’t uphold against British firearms. In addition, Britain aimed to socially change India with an attempt to get rid of the caste system and important religious traditions like sati. By the 1850’s, the British selected Indians to provide service in fighting. Those employed were called Sepoys and were treated unfairly

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