
The Pros And Cons Of Justifying The Aeneid War

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When the Greeks achieved victory over Troy, Aeneas fled with the other Trojan survivors. The Trojans spent countless years searching for a new home, and finally found Italia. Due to a much earlier grudge, Juno stirs up trouble and plunges the Trojans and Latins into war. The fact that the Trojans are initially peaceful, that King Latinus wishes to ally with the Trojans, and that the rulers who fight the Trojans are tyrants, justifies the Aeneid War.
First, the Trojans have not intentionally provoked the rulers of the cities of Italia. When the Trojans arrive, they declare peace and bring gifts to the Latins. When the Latins attack the Trojans, the Trojans seek peace with the people of King Evander and the Estruscans. The Trojans originally

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