
Newspaper Reporters And Abortion

Decent Essays

People in today’s world like to make their own decision, nobody likes to be told what to do or believe in. Today’s generation is so gullible they will believe anything anybody with authority has to say and will side with something or someone without doing any research. Teens today are becoming more and more pro choice because of newspaper reporters and the lies they tell. People see newspapers reporters working for these huge corporations and think that they know everything because they are well informed and their job requires them to do a lot of research. Although this may be true for some newspaper reporters, other newspaper reporters may be telling lies left and right deceiving people. If you were the poor innocent fetus in this situation would you like to die just because your future mother read that abortion is okay in some newspaper report probably written by some reporter that has never experienced this situation, but sure has a lot to say not demonstrating both the pros and cons sides of this situation. Abortions are truly wrong and humans should never make the decision of taking a poor innocent fetus life for no reason. Every human being have the same morals and know that murder is wrong. Most newspaper reporters support abortions, therefore newspaper reporters are the one’s to blame for influencing today’s generation to take part in this epidemic that is morally wrong and become pro choice.

Newspaper reporters support abortions by writing reports about abortions

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