
The Pros And Cons Of The Age Of War

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Age of war
Through almost all centuries when war stops in one place, it raises in others and it continued till nowadays. Ended in early past Cold war between West and East, furthermore starts something like wars. Now wars are more like crisis, where super power countries tried to deal with it, but big countries make own politics, behind crisis shadow or other countries or citizens don’t even know what happening, propaganda. People know each decade were war what were led by humans. Of-course, people think about 3 WW- nuclear war, were all humanity would be destroyed. Age of war will have continued till mankind will live, probably even after nuclear war, however than age of war will continue. It because hegemonies want to keep own position and …show more content…

“A hegemonic distribution of power, defined as one in single state has a predominance of power, is most conducive to the establisher stable, open internal economic system.” (Michael C. Webb and Stephen D. Krasner Vol. 15, No. 2, Special Issue on the Balance of Power (Apr., 1989), pp. 183). Hegemony tries to keep power by self with all kind of resource, because politics are stronger than citizens whose make protests, because they don’t want to use special strategies or use military power to get just one politician …show more content…

Chappell that it is possible to gain peace in the word, because human being are naturally peaceful, not violent creatures, but it is mostly dependent on human by itself, how he will would like to live in the open borders world. I would say bay Paul K. Chappell words from one of his book (“Will war ever end”): „In the twenty-first century humanity has become so interconnected that we are all citizens of the world, whether we recognize it or not. During the challenging years ahead, our planet will need soldiers of peace who understand this truth of our brotherhood, because our survival in an interconnected world will not depend upon our ability to wage war. The fate of humanity will depend upon our willingness to wage peace.” Taking in account possibility that human beings would like to live in a peace, it would be challenge to change governmental ideology also religiosity and other strong convictions struggling humans in violent environment. But I think it could work. For that point I would say by Paul K.Chappell words (from “The art of waging peace”): “To replace the old paradigm of war with a new paradigm of waging peace, we must be pioneers who can push the boundaries of human understanding. We must be doctors who can cure the virus of violence. We must be soldiers of peace who can do more than preach to the choir. And we must be artists who will make the world our

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