the Dreamers are those who've been identified as immigrants who were brought over the border when they were children. For years advocates plead for the government to pardon the young Mexican migrants from deportation, on the grounds that it wasn't their choice to violate the law, and thus, ought to be allowed to continue pursuing their dreams in the U.S. un-infringed upon by ICE officials. The term Dreamers was coined after President Obama signed the (D)eferred (A)ction for (C)hildhood (A)rrivals act protecting such youth in 2012. Trump reiterated on Friday that his administration is "not after the dreamers, we are after the
About half a million children are born to undocumented immigrants every year. These children are not given the opportunities that they so rightly deserve. They spend their entire lives in the United States and are considered illegal immigrants. They are given no choice, but to live their life as an undocumented immigrant. That is what the DREAM Act is trying to solve. The DREAM Act, or Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors is a proposal that would provide permanent residency to undocumented immigrants who meet certain eligibility requirements (The DREAM Act). If the DREAM Act is approved, then the education will be improved. It will improve the economy, the military will receive a significant increase in recruitments, and
After the Trump Administration announced the end to an executive branch program that has protected up to 800,000 undocumented immigrants since 2012, Democrats and Republicans have introduced several bills in Congress, each of which would provide a path to documented and legal residence. The legislation, Dream Act of 2017, primarily supported by Democrats is called the Dream Act, an acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors
The term DREAMers is derived from a legislative bill which was first introduced in 2001, called the
The unjustified decision to end DACA has sparked numerous protests around the nation. The administration’s decision is unjustified because many of the people protected under this act are hardworking tax payers who obey laws just like any citizen of this nation. In general, Dreamers are motivated youthful individuals who have studied to better themselves and now pay taxes to this nation they call “home”. Some of which, only know English and
There are roughly 800,000 people living within the United States that is under the protection of an executive order during the Obama administration called Deferred Action Against Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. These children, commonly referred to as “Dreamers,” have grown up in the United States. They attended elementary school here, many graduated high school here, and many went on to become successful adults living in the United States, but as of September 5th, 2017 the DACA program was shut down by the Trump administration, pending a trial in Congress. This means that those hundreds of thousands of individuals living under the DACA arm will no longer be legal residents in the United States.
“One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people,”(Steinbeck America & Americans) John Steinbeck stated this when discussing the topic of the American dream. He believes that numerous Americans are chasing after a dream that is nearly impossible to reach. John Steinbeck expresses his belief on the American dream through a general negative attitude toward the American dream and the failed dreams of his characters.
This program allows children brought to America illegally to obtain driver’s license, enroll in college, find legal jobs, pay income taxes, and also serve in the military without the fear of being deported to their country. More than thousands of people could lose their jobs if DACA is taken away forever. It could also cause more than 800,000 dreamers to be uncertain about their future and the possibility of being deported. Following is a Juan Escalante’s story of how and why his family he decided to come to America with his family. “I remember the day I found out I was undocumented. I got a call from an admissions office from a university I had applied to. They wanted to see a green card. I was extremely embarrassed. My mother just started crying. She just started apologizing and told me that it was her fault and that she wanted a better future of us.”. When Juan Escalante was 11 years old, his family and him came to the United States from Venezuela, where life had become dangerous. “We were driving and we stopped at a red light. A man approaches our car and he told my
These Dreamers did not choose to be brought to the United States, but now that they are here, they must find a way to move forward in life. Jesus Contreras is a paramedic who lives in Houston, Texas. He was brought here as a kid from Mexico, and is part of the DACA program. He provided assistance in the relief after Hurricane Harvey in August of 2017. In an interview with BBC, Contreras says “I’ve never considered going back to Mexico. Everything I have, everything I’ve planted, my faith my religion, my friends are all here in the United States.” Dreamers like Contreras do not have lives in Mexico. They grew up here in the U.S. and have taken part and contributed to society here. Life in Mexico is very difficult at the time, which is why many flee to the United States. There is a lot of violence and crime making it not the best place to have a family. As of November 2017, Mexico has had a nationwide total of 20,878 murders within the year, that is an average of 69 murders per day (Torres). Mexico has become a very dangerous place, which is why many of the Dreamers were brought to the U.S. If the Dreamers are sent to Mexico, they will be in a place they not only do not know, but will also be in greater danger than if they were in the U.S. A lot of what our society is built on is education and schooling. It is fundamental in our development as people and as a nation. Through DACA, these Dreamers are able to attend schooling and learn how to give back to society. In 2010,
About 400,000 illegal immigrants come to the United States each year, each one with their own story and reasons. These illegal immigrants often have sorrowful stories that make you want to sympathize with them, but these immigrants never think about how their presence affects the United States. On September 5th, “President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of the DACA program; they contended that undocumented immigrants took economic opportunities away from citizens and lawful permanent residents” (DREAM). The DACA program was created in 2012 by President Obama and allowed illegal immigrants to stay in the United States. Recently, President Trump ended the program, but gave Congress a window to formulate a better plan
are ideals used to define the American Dream. The American Dream promises immigrants and citizens a chance to pursue a better life, which is portrayed throughout the novel Behold the Dreamers . Behold the Dreamers , by Imbolo Mbue, follows the lives of Jende and Neni Jonga, an immigrant couple from Cameroon, who live in Harlem in hopes of providing a better life for their family. Throughout the Jonga’s journey, Imbolo Mbue proves that the essentials of hard work, education, and strong families are not enough for achieving the American Dream. Jende and Neni came to America in hopes of a brighter future for their family, but come to face with reality and are forced to make an impossible choice.
Two hundred forty-one years. In that small amount of time America forged its self into a vast landscape of different cultures. A combination of numerous cultures mongrelized together to form “We the people” in America today. Due to all the mixing in the pot, an uncertainty about the countries identity arose. For all the beauty that the melting pot brought, it also created a darker side, as aspects of each cultures fought for superiority in the nation. This fight emerges throughout American history and as a new era of deporis rises, the issues are becoming more relevant. In American Dreamer by Bharati Mukherjee, she shares her own experiences as an immigrant and the fight she partook in to have her own American identity seen. Mukherjee’s fight mirrors hundreds of naturalized American citizens who are trying to realize their identity, however it also shines light on native-born Americas struggling as well. The need for a unified American identity produces a nationwide identity crisis.
The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), is a proposed bipartisan legislation that is meant to provide amnesty and relief
DACA (sometimes called the Dreamers law) allowed people that came to the U.S. illegally as children to stay. Some people say those immigrants should be allowed to stay because they didn’t choose to come to America illegally and have only known America as their homeland. Others say their plight is sad, but the law is the law. Although the DACA program helps a few, this program should be dramatically changed because illegal immigrants can come here and not pay taxes while they get free healthcare and financial aid.
There are 800,000 undocumented immigrants protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) passed by President Obama. Those persons known as Dreamers were brought illegally to the United States at a young age by their parents. Now they have pursued careers, started families, they have contributed to the United States of America, our country, their country. But on Tuesday, September 5th, 2017, the former president Donald Trump ended this program, leaving thousands of families with the uncertainty that if they will be back together again or not. Dreamers have brought pride to this country, they have been admitted into the best universities, they have received the best scholarships such as Bill Gates scholarship. DACA’s deadline is October 5th; this is the last opportunity for the Dreamers to continue with their right to pursue their education. Dreamers have to stay in the United States and be legal citizens because they have spent their whole life here, they help the U.S. economy, they bring cultural diversity to the country, the Dreamers as their name states want to achieve the American dream by pursuing a better education.
Discuss how your understanding of change has been developed by your prescribed and related texts.