
The Pros And Forms Of Plagiarism

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For decades, scholars have wrestled with the question of the possibility of artists eventually running out of new, innovative music; and, likewise, we have broadened are questioning to encompass everything -- will we ever run out of new ideas? The simple answer is: no. But, as we no, their remains a finite amount of logical, rational possibilities four people to tantalize their minds with. And so, it is expected that numerous people may share the same innovative thought process; or, inspiration may take the form of mere replication. As a result, many people find themselves in a pool of unoriginal new ideas, insidious copy-and-pasting, or simple incompetence known as plagiarism. Today, and dating back Before the Common Era, plagiarism has taken on four major forms. Direct Plagiarism is the most referenced, and direct method of stealing someone else's idea (Source 2). It is the unauthorized, deliberate usage of someone else’s words without giving credit to the rightful owner of the idea. Then they're is Accidental Plagiarism, which is when one neglects to cite their references in a wrongful, but nonetheless unintentional manner. Next, Mosaic Plagiarism is seen when someone uses the basic sentence structure of the original text and substitutes a few words for his or her own, without giving due credit. And finally, Self Plagiarism, in the academic sense, is when a student submits work more then once without acknowledging previous submissions to all parties involved

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