
Hdb Case Study Essay

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HDB, the public housing authority of Singapore, was established in 1960. The authority had grown rapidly in size and responsibilities-from initially meeting the basic shelter needs of 6% of the population to, in 2007, providing quality homes for 81% of a 3.7 million population. Due to land scarcity, its high-rise, high density living provided an effective solution to meeting housing needs for Singapore. HDB had a comprehensive building program, under which 984,000 apartments had been completed as of March 2007. In addition to building new apartments, HDB was also involved in the marketing, sales, pricing, after-sale service and lease administration of its apartments (Jick & Peiperl, 2011, p. 430). The Estate Administration and Property Department(EAPD) was one of the core departments in HDB, responsible for the building program, housing policies, the redevelopment program, sales, pricing, marketing, and mortgage financing for apartment purchases. Its 700-member staff was divided into six sections, each tasked with backroom and frontline work or both (Jick & Peiperl, p. 432). Many change issues confronted HDB. Externally, the society had become more open and diverse. The profile of customers served was more vocal and prosperous, necessitating the agency to engage its customers more often in its various programs and policies. Customers also expected to pay less and get more. This was a challenge to HDB in the wake of rising construction costs caused by building material

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