
The Raft Of The Medusa Essay

Decent Essays

Waves crashing against the broken raft that is from the pieces of a once great ship holding the survivors that were left behind. In a great french romanticism painting the story of the crashed ship, the Medusa is told. The painting of the Raft of the Medusa gives me the feeling of having the will to fight through and overcome anything. Even though they were left behind to fend on their own they did not let that defeat them. I relate to this painting in the way of overcoming any obstacle and even being left behind I will still turn out okay. If I had a ticket to go anywhere I would go to France in 1818 to 1819 to watch Theodore Gericault paint the Raft of the Medusa. Since this is a magical ticket I would stay for as long as I could even a whole year. Also, I would like to get there by train, simply because I have never traveled by train before. When I get there to France and meet Theodore Gericault I would do an interview. I cannot speak french so communication with him would be difficult, but since this is fictional that really does not matter. I would ask him questions about why he decided to paint this, what was his inspiration. Even ask about what is going on in his personal life and see if the horrors of emotions in the …show more content…

I have never been over to Europe so I would use this trip to my advantage and take in all the surroundings around me. Sit in maybe a park and observe everyone there along with Theodore Gericault and ask him all the questions I would ask questions ranging from the reason to paint the Raft of the Medusa to what his favorite color was. Here I am talking to a famous artist, which I strive to be one day I would be crazy not to ask him if I could be his apprentice, to learn from him. There may be a few times when we may disagree and have an argument, but we will overcome it like any other problem. I would show every ounce of respect I have to

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