
The Rainbow Place of Scents

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The rainbow place is like my third home, yet each time it seems like I am seeing the place for the very first time. Every time I walk in, I am surprised at how so much has changed for the reason it feels like so little has actually changed. It still feels like the same place regardless of what changes have been or are being made. The rainbow place is special and unlike any other place when it comes to transporting you to another world with its amazing colors and intriguing scents. When I drove up to this place from a long street that has many twists and curves, it immediately stands out with its bright outside lights and huge signs with sale prices displayed in the store windows. Once I eventually found a parking space and make my way into the building, the first thing I notice are the rainbow colors: pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple, and green are all on the sign right outside the entrance to the store. To my amazement, as I proceed to open the door all the same colors used on the sign are displayed all over the store, which makes it a beautiful and colorful place. As soon as I walk in I am overpowered by the sound of people interacting, most of them talking very loudly. Another thing that was overpowering was this intriguing scent that had a small amount of everything mixed into one big aroma. It smells like lavender vanilla mix with a hint of raspberry and maybe even a little bit of strawberry and jasmine. All the assorted scents are coming from numerous rows and

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