
The Real Cost Campaign Analysis

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In February 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched its first tobacco prevention campaign “The Real Cost.” The aim of this campaign is to inform young people about the harmful effects that come with using tobacco. The Real Cost campaign gears its advertisement toward a younger audience because the administration wants to reach people who have not yet tried or have been experimenting with tobacco in order to prevent regular usage. Because people of this generation have heard a plethora of times to not use tobacco, the administration has to come up with creative ways to promote a tobacco-free life. The FDA does so by presenting the effects of smoking in new ways through different modes of advertisement such as videos. One of the campaign’s first ads created was the “Bully” video in which a tiny man, who represents a cigarette, orders three young, regular-sized people to whatever he …show more content…

Bringing it down to this level helps the viewers comprehend the topic more. Mostly everybody has some knowledge about bullying whether through personal experience or through entertainment sources. People know that bullies hurt others, so in the same way, cigarettes hurt smokers. Bullies force victims to do something they do not want to do. For instance, the girl at the water fountain has to give up money for cigarettes just as the victims of bullying have to turn over money to a bully. This ad is expressing that people who smoke are forced to comply to their tobacco addiction even if they do not want. It is out of a person’s control. Also, bullies do not tend to stop without some type of outside intervention. Similarly, one cannot stop tobacco use without help. Recently, the problem of bullying has been brought under the public eye’s attention, because of the severe effects it has on students. By equalizing tobacco use to bullying, the ad asserts that tobacco is also a serious problem similar to

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