PThe reasons for student plagiarism and ways to avoid it
This is an essay examine that the reasons for students’ plagiarism and how can avoid it in maximum extent by education. In the first place, this essay analyzes some possible cause of the phenomenon of students’ plagiarism. In the second place, this essay investigates the influence of teaching to decrease the incidence of plagiarism. In this age of change, the human race is progressing rapidly on various fronts. Yet at the same time, many problems have arisen, a serious one of which is the plagiarism. An increasing amount of students get into the internet to search the information and just copy, paste, and make it together when they’re supposed to be an assignment. According to
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As a student, if the cost of getting caught is too high, he or she is not willing to plagiarize. Secondly, the teachers in university should teach students that how to complete their assessments, essays and reports with citation in the correct way. Otherwise, the incidence of unintentional plagiarism wills increase. Furthermore, the professor teaches students skills to recognize how to paraphrase information properly by way of example (Snow, 2006). Most importantly, the most effective is way to set up a system for check up on students’ sources, such as Turn-It-In, which is one of the most popular checking systems. It will encourage student to check their own work whether plagiarism or not before their submission. And besides, students will try either consciously or unconsciously to avoid any plagiarism. Particularly, the purport of this system is guarantee for avoid intentional plagiarism in maximum extent. Students would not dare to copy while they were asking to Turnitin.
People who are doing education study should not only be satisfied with ways to stop plagiarism, but also they have to find out that plagiarism prevention. According to (Deubel, 2005) “educators should not always assume that… mentality of learners”, Educators in new century have to try their best to do more research about students plagiarism. Most importantly, educators should develop a better prevention measures and a new education method instead of the old
The authors stresses the importance of “Any idea, explanation, or argument you have paraphrased or summarized must be properly cited.” as “without proper acknowledgement is guilty of plagiarism”. Plagiarism is a criminal offence and many students have lost their opportunity for higher education in college as well as businesses who have been sued over this matter. The writers also mentioned a shocking fact “even it if was unintentional”, it still plagiarism. Some solutions to avoid plagiarism is paying “attention and effort can eliminate” the chances of plagiarism. Finally, always check and double
Plagiarism is using someone else’s work, words, production, researches and ideas without the approval or the acknowledgment of the writer or producer, and claiming the credit for himself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal act and institutional regulations. And universities, schools, and instructors do not only need to decrease plagiarism, but they must also affect positively on students writings, increase the understanding of how to use digital technology to facilitate their academic writing.
With the ever-increasing wealth of information provided by a simple Internet search, students are finding their resource options growing. From hundreds of topic specific sources to completely written essays, students are challenged to use their own words. Michelle Cleary addresses the issues of plagiarism faced by students today while giving real-life solutions from an instructor’s view in her article, "Top 10 Reasons Students Plagiarize & What Teachers Can Do about It (With Apologies to David Letterman)". From research methods to writing instructions, the author uses a cause and effect scenario to illustrate the plagiarism problems and suggests methods that encourage academic success. Students struggle not only with the temptation to plagiarize, but also worry about inadvertently plagiarizing, and the ramifications of their actions.
There are several ways that students can avoid plagiarism. The best way is to be informed
Good scholarship practice can be referred to as a formal study which involves academic learning and achievement. It involves acknowledging where information used to support ideas in a particular context is gotten and citing the sources (Locke and Latham, 2009). Britag and Mahmud (2009) pointed out that different strategies which include the use of electronic software tools such as turnitin have been derived for detecting plagiarism with the intent of allowing students’ take responsibility of their learning and also work hand in hand with their tutors in the drafting stages of their assignments. According to Britag and Mahmud (2009) manual detection of plagiarism is difficult because it is time consuming and this is the reason why some tutors are reluctant in pursuing potential cases of plagiarism. However both the manual method of plagiarism detection and the electronic text matching method should be employed (Britag and Mahmud, 2009). Scaife (2007) argued that the electronic text matching software is not the solution to eliminating plagiarism because the software only focuses on text matching of paper under review with documents (journals, articles, e-books and conference papers) found on the internet or which has been previously submitted and this is a limitation because the only detection are focused on electronic materials without considering some non-electronic paper based documents which could still be plagiarised.
Almost every student has been there: staring at his/her computer trying to get an assignment done when they have twenty other obligations swinging over his/her head. Students are trying to find the fastest and easiest way to get the assignment completed. Many students will plagiarize intentionally or unintentionally at some point of their educational career. Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s work or ideas then calling that work their own. There is no acknowledgement being given to the original author. In Trip Gabriel’s “Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age,” the internet has created new challenges for students being able to give credit to ideas and information. Often, Students do not understand that information on
Plagiarism can be described in different ways depending on the policy of the academic or professional institution. Consequences of plagiarizing work have a significant impact on the individual. Strategies exist to help avoid plagiarism. There are policies for academic integrity in all of academia.
In colloquial language plagiarism is the concept of stealing someone’s piece of work or someone’s idea. It is clear that plagiarising is unjust and immoral, however now a days it is becoming more difficult to come up with original ideas as the media allows students to have open access to all information and the producer or author must be very careful to not use somebody else’s work unintentionally and claim it as theirs. It is important to educate students about plagiarism as it can carry major consequences. The concept of plagiarism with reference to policy will be outlined and also the steps helping students and authors to avoid plagiarism in this assignment.
Plagiarism is the process of taking some one else work or ideas and showing it as their own works (Oxford Dictionaries). The purpose of this study is to understand 6 different ethical reasons used by student to overcome with plagiarism and with help of these ethical reason, faculties can bring a solution to stop or prevent plagiarism. Where as unethical behavior can also lead to worries in school or colleges, so there is need to correct it so that it has positive impact on organizational ethics. Although, after reading this journal article, it was clearly seen that mostly used ethical reasons are Deontology, Situational Ethics and Machiavellianism to overcome with the problem of Plagiarism (Ashworth and Bannister, 1997).
Universities have measures to prevent and catch students who have plagiarised their essays, however on a rare occasions plagiarism is unfortunately undetected. In such a circumstances, the student receives a high mark and passes the subject without gaining the knowledge in that field. According to Jude Carroll there are no solutions to fully prevent plagiarism, however with the plagiarism on the rise the universities are implementing methods to minimise it. “We will never prevent students from colluding, plagiarising and breaking the rules but we can deter them by putting in place a range of activities and procedures, each on its own unable to make much difference, but in combination, able to change the way everyone deals with
Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson & Starr 2013) and becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism.
In the discussion over plagiarism factors responsible for it , methods to avoid plagiarism and proper difference between a material which is plagiarized and one which is mistaken to be plagiarized is understood. As often there is a confusion over this. Plagiarism is a important concept to know and the ways to avoid them must also be learned. It is very important to give proper credit to the contributions of other people. It shows that there is due regard and recognition to their hard work. Plagiarism is more common in academic world. There is a increasing lure among the students and professors job complicates. Learning a concept and the ability to portray what was learned earns due respect . Here is a famous quote which depicts the importance of learning and gaining knowledge rather than just copying other persons views
Being a college student is hard. College requires plenty of work. Some students have other things to do besides going to school; some of them need to work in order to pay for their tuition. When school isn’t the only thing students have to worry about, they might get behind in their classes, but they can’t fail them so they have to find out a way to stay on both their job and school. A large amount of students are pushed into cheating; they do it so often that suddenly it becomes a habit. Nowadays, plagiarism is extremely popular. Students don’t like using their brain anymore; they just copy and paste. To avoid plagiarism, students should do their own work; learn how to cite in a proper form, and understand that plagiarism can result in
The paper responds to this proposition with a thesis that understanding the ethical reasoning provided by students in defending plagiarism is crucial in preventing it in student populations. The reasons can provide the basis for specific action-orientated recommendations to reduce plagiarism and to design programs to encourage originality and
Students may have poor time-management skills or they may plan poorly for the time and effort required for research-based writing, and believe they have no choice but to plagia¬rize. Students may view the course, the assignment, the conventions of academic documenta¬tion, or the consequences of cheating as unimportant. Teachers may present students with assignments so generic or unparticularized that stu¬dents may believe they are justified in looking for canned responses. Instructors and institutions may fail to report cheating when it does occur, or may not enforce appropriate penalties. ( In The New Century Handbook, there are a few helpful ways described to avoid plagiarism. Step one is to take accurate, usable notes. Step two to record complete citation (bibliographic) information along with your notes. Step three is to determine when acknowledgment is needed. Step four; avoid copying and pasting information (text or graphics) from the Internet into your paper. Step