
The Relationship Between Iliad And The Pilgamesh

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Relationship Between Human and the Divine Throughout all of the pieces of literature we have read so far all of them have dealt in some way with how the mere mortals on earth communicate and interact with some divine entity or entities residing elsewhere. It is a huge part of human history and historical pieces of writing especially, that we originate from a divine source and are watched over by a divine entity, or entities. In this paper I intend to depict the relationship between mortals and their divine creators. Despite the fact that all the books common ground that there is a divine entity who created the mortals, they tend to differ quite a bit from there. Some interact face to face with those divine entities, while others speak to their god through prayer not necessarily face to face. In the Odyssey, Iliad, and Epic of Gilgamesh the mortals have more interaction with the gods themselves and they are based around polytheistic religions, whereas in the Bible and Koran is more of a distant relationship which are monotheistic religions. Odysseus and other characters in the Odyssey speak face to face with gods such a Zeus and Calypso. Also in these polytheistic religions it is not uncommon for gods to fall in love with, or have physical relations with mortals on earth. For example, the reason Odysseus is trapped where he is in the first place is because the goddess Calypso won’t let him leave her island because she wants him to marry her. However, despite

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