
Comparing The Iliad And The Odyssey

Decent Essays

This short essay will identify five traditional epic characteristics that are evident in both the Iliad and the Odyssey.
The first epic characteristic evident in both epics is catalogs and genealogies. For instance, Book VIII of the Odyssey features a list of participants in the game (115-125) and the Iliad Book II features a catalog of ships (484-759).
Secondly, both epics start in media res. The Odyssey starts ten years after the Trojan War and the Illiad starts nine years after the start of the war.
Thirdly, the Muses are prayed to for inspiration to tell the story, which can be observed in the Iliad Book I (1-9) and in the Odyssey Book I (1-31).
Fourthly, the main characters also give long formal speeches. For instance, in Book XI of the Iliad, Hector rallies his men with a long speech after Agamemnon is carried off the field (248-291). Similarly, there are extended speeches between Telemachus and the suitors, which compile Book II of the Odyssey.
Finally, there is intervention of “gods” or machinery in both epics. For Odysseus ', Poseidon’s divine intervention kept him from returning home for several years. Similarly, one of many examples of divine intervention exists fairly in the beginning of the Iliad, when Apollo responds to Chryses’ appeal to strike the Greek armies with plague.
In conclusion, five traditional epic characteristics that are evident in both the Iliad and the Odyssey have been identified in the paragraphs above.

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