
The Relationship Between Japan And Japan During The Modern Era

Best Essays

Pavin Kaler


April 16th, 2015 Professor Joe Kispal-Kovacs

Transportations in Political Structures in China and Japan during the Modern Era Comparative Essay

1 While Japan and China both had to go through transformations in political

structures in order for them to experience revolutions as a reaction to colonization

attempts during the Modern Era, both nations also had different outcomes due to

revolution. Colonization occurs when there is migration of any one or more groups of

individuals towards a colonial area. Migration is the movement of peoples from one

place to another. These types of movements helped create a revolution. In this paper, I

will be comparing transformations in political structures in Japan in the Meiji Period

(1868-1912) 19th century to China in the Qing Dynasty (1700’s) 18th century. I will be

taking a look at how both Japan and China went through revolutions as a reaction to

colonization attempts, yet both nations had different outcomes due to colonization. There

are also a few other wars I will be discussing in this paper that impacted Japan and China

in those specific eras as well. What were the similarities and differences in Japan during

the 19th- early 20th century and China during the 18th century when they went through

transformations in political structures? To begin, we can first

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