
The Relationship Between Trilling, And Huckleberry Finn By Leo Marx

Satisfactory Essays

From Mr. Eliot, Mr. Trilling, and Huckleberry Finn by Leo Marx

In this essay, Leo Marx is talking about how the ending of the story in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not well connected to the whole meaning of the events that happens throughout the story. He is saying that the ending of the story throws out completely the plot. Marx is explaining how interesting was the journey that Huck and Jim had, searching for Jim 's freedom, but to him everything what they did to get Jim out of this slavery was meaningless because they didn 't have to do it. It seems that all their work wasn 't worth it at all because after everyone knew about Miss Watson 's death, Jim was freed right at that moment. Marx also talks about how Huck at the end of the story encounters himself travelling lonely again like at the beginning of the story. He also mentions how at the end all the characters get separated from each other, which it’s kind of ironic after all what they lived together to ended up not being together.

From Morality and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Julius Lester

In this essay, Julius Lester talks about the morality of the story itself. Lester talks about how Twain wants the readers to believe certain things that are not credible or with emotions related to fiction stories. Lester mentions how the readers think that Twain is including into his story some sort of a connection between Tom and Jim, when Tom decides to help Huck to free Jim from slavery, but is not what it

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