
The Rise of the Norman Empire

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“Hold the wall!” shouted King Harold II as the Normans began to work their way past the Anglo-Saxon shield wall. The Anglo-Saxon empire reigned over London for its fair share of time before William the Duke of Normandy decided to take it from them. William was the son of Robert I and his wife was Matilda of Flanders. William was of Viking origin and he spoke French. King Harold II was ruler of London after King Harold I died. King Harold II was the last Anglo-Saxon King of England. In the year 1066 a great battle took place that would change the way London lived forever. This battle was called The Battle of Hastings.
The battle of Hastings was a very interesting battle, the outcome was not as expected. The Anglo-Saxon people had a very …show more content…

The Battle itself was fought over the only road that connected Hastings to London and the victor of the battle would own that road. The coastline of Sussex was nearer than it was today and caused the major road that crossed through Hastings and London a major trade route. King Harold needed this road for sustaining his campaign and William wanted control of the only “proper” road to the Heart of England. The battle was not actually fought in the town of Hastings but rather fought roughly seven miles away from the town. “The reason they called the Battle, the Battle of Hastings was because back in the middle ages era battle was important. The people of 1066 agreed that battle was “wealthy.” The title Battle of Battle simply did not work so they named it to the nearest large city, which was Hastings.” (historylearningsite).
An important part of the battle itself was what the information was gathered from. Most things known about the Battle of Hastings was collected from the Bayeux Tapestry. The Bayeux Tapestry was not exactly a tapestry though its name says differently, but instead it is an embroidered linen cloth that is about 70 meters long. “The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Battle of Hastings, during the battle itself, and the events thereafter starting with a scene depicting Edward the Confessor sending Harold to Normandy and ends with the English troops fleeing the battlefield at

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