
The Risks Of A Sporting Accident

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Risk management by definition basically means reducing the chances of injury, damage or loss by taking steps to identify and control possible, consequential risks. Such risks include the possibility of facing tort laws. This basically means that it is the duty of the sports manager and other members within the organization to take the time to think about probable risky situations, come up with circumstances that may pose a serious risk and then make an arbitrary decision on what steps can be taken to potentially minimize those risks. The costs of a sporting accident can be extreme, considering both financial and emotional factors. This doesn’t only apply to the victim but to sports events organisers, officials, coaches, athletes and sports administrators as well, are finding themselves legally liable for accidents in sports. Consequences like these can be avoided though. With a good risk management plan it can essentially increase the safety for both the participants and the spectators. When it comes to school basketball teams, a risk management plan must be in effect in order to reduce probable accident consequences.
Generally, elements of risk management include identification, evaluation, treatment and implementation. Regarding identification, before travelling to a competition or competing in any activity clubs should identify the risks associated with that activity. This is known as foreseeability, which is in simpler words the tactic to anticipate dangerous

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