
The Role Of A Teacher As A Student's Life

Decent Essays

Our life is determined since childhood by the people we meet along our way. Parents are those who gave birth to us and who educate us daily. But a big part of our lives, we spend in school with people who become our second parents and who help us find our powerful skills and achieve great habits of mind. These people are our teachers! They are our mentors who help us learn not only reading and writing, but also discover ourselves and the art of living, consequently the art of living WELL. Gibran's work "On Teaching" made me think more deeply about teachers and students' roles, emphasizing that teachers can see inside us and feel our talents. Relationship student-teacher has evolved along the history significantly as the school system changed, but the role of a teacher in student's life remains unchangeable. The educators help us to develop not only our mental abilities but they can help us use our knowledge the right way, accordingly, they can see our hidden skills and make them flourish. Being a teacher is not a profession- it is a vocation that involves devotion and commitment to the students. The knowledge the students get in their school years can shape the way they are in the future and the values they bring in the society. Moreover, the educators appear as role models that inspire others. Being other-focused, they are unconditionally offering their time to discover their students' potential and pass along Life's lessons. They can inspire us in reaching our

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