
The Role Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

What was the toughest decision you had to make? Could that option have a bad result if you made the wrong choice? Most of the events that occur in Romeo and Juliet happen because of one character in particular. One man plays an immense role in both Romeo and Juliet’s lives. The character that causes the most dramatic effect upon Romeo and Juliet is Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence is to blame for many, if not all, of the problems that evolved in Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence decides to marry Romeo and Juliet, which causes most of the problems. The couple always wants to be together, but it is difficult for them to accomplish this because of their families’ consistent feud. “For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (Shakespeare 411). This quote confirms that Friar Lawrence has belief that Romeo and Juliet’s marriage will have a successful product. He contemplates the wedding and truthfully thinks that the Montague and Capulet conflict will change direction. Ultimately, Friar Lawrence causes the whole story to tumble down, and nothing seems to go right for neither Romeo nor Juliet. Although Friar Lawrence is accused in my eyes, Romeo could also potentially be the cause of the issues that happen in the story. Romeo has a noticeable character flaw. He acts …show more content…

Friar assists fate to succeed, and realistically creates too many problems for other characters in the story. This simple fact also demonstrates how much of a key role Friar plays in Romeo and Juliet. If the Friar would have been responsible with his choices then perhaps the story of Romeo and Juliet wouldn’t be so tragic. Like anyone else would, Friar Lawrence acted upon what he believed was right. The defect in his plan resulted in many problems with Romeo and Juliet. Had he been wiser, the story could have been conceived as more peaceful and have all of the proper components of a typical love

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