
The Role Of Managing A Team And The Organization Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The different approaches to effective management have evolved for businesses over time. There are several approaches that have been created overtime that have been proven to work and not work. It is easy to learn as one goes how to effectively manage a team and create success for the team and the organization. It is important for a manager to learn all aspects of managing a team of professionals and what the best effective way of implementing their skills is to create an environment of hard workers, success, and to retain their employees. According to BusinessDictionary (2016), the definition of management is “the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives. Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization’s resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy”. It is common for a person to experience several different approaches to management in their professional career, as many managers take different approaches. Managers may also be learning as they are going and may change processes at random to ensure their team is being effective for the company. Depending on the organization and the market the company is involved in, can determine the different management approach that is taken.
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