
The Role Of The Reign Of Terror In France

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On October 5, 1789, an angry mob of 7,000 women, armed with weapons, marched 12 miles in the rain from Paris to Versailles. In what was a crucial event that assisted in the commencement of the Reign of Terror. With the beat of the drum the mob chanted “Bread!” as they marched. Since, the French population was starving, while King Louis XVI and the despised Marie Antoinette feasted. By the time the women arrived at Versailles, their wrath was mostly aimed towards the Queen. Whose misattribution towards the hungry, “Let them eat cake!”, was a precise manifestation of her obliviousness. However, when the mob makes it to Versailles they are welcomed with open arms. Even so, the women thought it was a famine plot and they demanded to meet with the king. Instead, of meeting all 7,000 women, Louis XVI decided he’ll meet with a delegate. Strangely enough, the teenage delegate faints when she meets with the King. Incidentally, she beliefs that the King didn’t know what was happening in Paris. …show more content…

However, the group of women’s rage grew they assumed the King was conspiring against them. The mob bombarded the palace killing multiple guards and a dress maker. Marie Antoinette and her two daughters were huddled in a corner as the mob waved heads on sticks from under the balcony. Until, Lafayette reached the queens room and convinced her to confront the crowd. The commander The March to Versailles was a crucial point leading to the Reign of Terror, since it was a time where the citizens took a stand against the

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