
The Role of Technology in Education

Decent Essays

Introduction Over time, many have questioned the role of technology in education and instructional teaching because technology in education is a developing field that many researchers are yet to venture into. Since its advent, technology has greatly transformed human life because it has widened the focus within which man operates because of making his efforts easier and attainable. Introducing technology in the education sector has been viewed as a move towards progress because it has greatly transformed a sector that was initially viewed as being conservative. Currently, educational institutions are outdoing each other in matters technology because each wants to be considered progressive. Moreover, with the advent of the digital era, it is expected that educational institutions should be on the forefront in the implementation of technology because most of these institutions provide the hubs that act as the research centers. In addition, university professors and other stakeholders are usually at the center of these innovations, and thus a failure of an uptake of technology in these institutions is a mockery of the view that educational centers are technology hubs (Collins & Halverson, 2009). With this in mind, this paper is aimed at exploring education and instructional technology in the future.
Education in the digital era In the digital era, education is pegged on technology. Currently as compared to the earlier years, many children are having an

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