
The Roman Emperor By Marcus Ulpius Trajanus

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Trajan the Roman Emperor was born as Marcus Ulpius Trajanus. He was of Spanish descent born on September 18, 52 AD to an Umbrian family. He was basically brought up in an environment which always involved government and military affairs, which was the result of his father being a very prominent man. His father was the first to reach the office of senator, and also commanded the Tenth Legion of Fretensis during the Jewish War of 67-68 AD. He became consul around the year 70 AD, and in the year 75 AD, became governor of Syria, and the provinces of Baetica and Asia. While his father acted as governor of Syria, Trajan served as military tribune. A bronze sculpture at Harvard University showcases his physique in ceremonial armor standing as if addressing his troops. Most artifacts found showcase his military achievements, and this was no exception. He was dignified and humble toward the Roman people, and they gave their thanks through artifacts which still exist today. He was an emperor who enjoyed the brutal aspect of war, which was because he was good at it. This can be seen through all of his military achievements as a general. He was naturally very popular with the troops, especially because he was so willing to share the hardships alongside his soldiers rather than receiving any type of special treatment. His path toward emperor was a long and hard one. He had a long and fulfilling career in government before-hand. First, he gained the office of praetorship in 85 AD.

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