
The Route Less Taken Essay

Decent Essays

Thud! I almost regretted buying my iPhone. What I regret even more was setting the alarm to 5:00am. I rolled off the bed and felt an immediate blast of humidity. Slowly, the outline of my apartment gained resolution. I could see a clear view of the tropical trees and the worn down apartment building. The acrid smell of construction and rubber was relentless. I was careful not to wake my grandparents or my sister and suddenly, I remember why I had my phone woken me up. “Crap. Time to go jogging.” Before I left, I called the lobby for the temperature. “आज मौसम कैसा है?” My years of proficiency in Hindi is acknowledged, yet the voice responds, “34 Degrees, Sir,” in exceptional English.

I stepped outside my building and started jogging. It …show more content…

Even in a globalized world of countries that are interdependent on one another, there still is progress to be made. I could not help but smile.

Continuing my run, I reached the Ganges River, and surprisingly found my cousin, Archit, there. He is studying to become a CA for Price Waterhouse Coopers’ India office. We talk of life and politics, although with India’s politics it seems the majority of people want progress. Progress for small businesses and more support for the ideas that they create from both the government and businesses.

I felt obligated to represent my country as best I could, remarking on how Canadian businesses like Selinger, a construction development company, and Blackberry have successfully entered the market, created jobs for many unemployed people, and helped found hundreds of new ventures. “It’s not enough,” according to Archit. It’s conversations like these that brought a new sense of urgency and opportunity to my time in India.

Looking forward, I realize how useful The Schulich School of Business and its iBBA program could be to me. The program would allow me to connect with more people and companies on an international level, allowing me to effectively harness my newly acquired linguistic skills to gain a global perspective, and help build sustainable solutions using all my experiences as a guide. This would make me an

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