
The Satanic Verses And Hey Nostradamus

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While the sacred can be reengaged, The Satanic Verses and Hey Nostradamus! depict the secular as people become isolated from belief. By exposing hypocrisy and challenging what is deemed sacred, The Satanic Verses and Hey Nostradamus! uncover the darkness within religion, illustrating possible impurity in religious authority and legitimacy. Peter Mullen points out that religious texts have ‘a definitive authority for the communities which accept and uphold them’. Such authority is engaged with and questioned, allowing dissent from the imposed sacred. In The Satanic Verses, the sacred is made up, religion and the name of God constructed to make things legitimate or important. God becomes no more than a construction because of human greed, full of flaws and no longer idealistic. As Gibreel makes his name by playing Ganest and Hanuman, the description ‘For many of his fans, the boundary separating the performer and his roles had longago ceased to exist’(17) provides evidence as to how easily one may build an identity and allow legitimacy to it. Gibreel is made sacred, suddenly God’s ‘most celebrated incarnation’(29) though he is merely portraying religious characters in movies. He becomes God, and as he falls ill, it is as if God himself has fallen. Undermining the sense of a fixed divine figure, people are made sacred, ideas and texts are portrayed likewise, composed merely by humans. While writing for Mahound the prophet, Salman is confused by ‘how useful and well timed the

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