
The Shark Fin Trade Should Be Stopped

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The Shark fin Trade
Known for their enormous bodies, terrifying presence to some, destructive bite and their fast speed in the water, sharks are definitely one the top predator roaming the ocean. Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years, before even the dinosaurs have walked the earth. Still, sharks are encountering the threat of extinction. According to the research of IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, “a quarter of sharks are threatened with extinction”. Although sharks are recognized as an aquatic, apex predator, they are exploited by the cruel and unjustifiable shark finning industry. The shark fin trade should be stopped because it causes a collapse of the marine ecosystem, endangers the shark species and promotes the mistreatment of animals.

Sharks catching activities have been prospering since the early 1990s, which can be accounted by the drastic economic growth of asian countries like China and Taiwan, which led to the increase in demand for shark fin soup. Considering the booming economy of China in the last decade, more people now can afford shark fin soup, resulting in a 400 percent growth in the world’s shark fin trade. In order to earn more money, fishermen save space on the fishing boat for more valuable fish such as swordfish and tuna and the fins of sharks. This inhumane activity takes place globally, mainly by fishermen from East Asia. Sharks caught in Malaysian water have gone from 4140 tons in 1990 up to 8695 tons.

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