
The Six Points Of Intervention In An Interactional Cycle

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According to Sprenkle, Davis, & Lebow (2009), what are the six possible points of intervention in an interactional cycle? (P. 111)
Within an interactional cycle or pattern, there is a spot for each partner to interpret their partner’s behaviors, for them to behave, and for them to experience emotions (Sprenkle, Davis, & Lebow, 2009). At each of these points, intervention is possible and can consist of either changing behaviors, reframing the emotions a person is feeling, or altering cognitions (Sprenkle et al., 2009).

2. What are the common goals of models that focus on a) changing people's perceptions (i.e., cognitions), b) behaviors, and c) emotions (hint: see pp. 118-121)?
A few common goals various models discussed in the text include alterations to behavior, cognitions, and emotions. For example, a shared goal in many therapies involved encouraging clients to think about and discuss different, healthier behaviors than the ones they are currently using (Sprenkle et al., 2009). Other shared goals involve altering perceptions and thought processes about themselves and about others, which will also eventually lead to changes in behaviors and how they experience interactions (Sprenkle et al., 2009). Basically, most therapeutic models are invested in somehow changing interaction cycles. Some of them attempt to do that by changing cognitions, behaviors, or experienced emotions, but for a lot of them this is a case of equifinality: altering any one of these things will change

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