
The Slavery Of The Slave Trade

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The Atlantic Slave Trade was about importing and exporting of commodities such as sugar, cotton and humans beings (slaves) which would be considered the most valuable product. A slave is defined as "a person being held in servitude as the chattel (property) of another; one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence.” (Merriam-Webster) According to Paul Lovejoy “slavery was one form of exploitation. Its special characteristics included the idea that slaves were property; that they were outsiders who were alien by origin, or who had been denied their heritage through judicial or other sanctions;….” This “slavery” commerce became a position of wealth in the African countries among its leaders, and spread throughout Europe …show more content…

People were considered as "wealth and security" because they labored to produce food and other goods. It was the norm for the eldest man in the "founding" family to be the leader and that leader used his leadership ability to distribute resources and make the important decisions as well as "commanding respect." A strong leader had people who were loyal to them. A wealthy person was also a leader, but with the ability to organize labor in order to clear out and farm the land.
Polygyny was also an accepted practice in the African culture which assisted in the production of labor power. Therefore African societies were not "slave societies" because "wealth in people" was the norm in African lifestyles.
Rules of slavery were more dehumanizing in the American slavery methods. African slaves held positions in administration, served in the military, sometimes positions of command, personal servants and agricultural laborers.
War was a vehicle to increase slaves by taking them Captive (outsiders). War was made by African rulers and was always a way to increase wealth. Waged war by African leaders was specifically for humans. The more humans, the more power, the more wealth accumulation. They sold people who were already Captives of war. Slaves held by the owner (European or African) and not immediately sold could be used to obtain additional resources that would “strengthen the king and his administration.” West Africa traded the largest majority of slaves.

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