
The Slavery Of The Slave Trade

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The slave trade, which was once a legal part of the American constitution, has for many years become a form of piracy because it takes away the basic human rights of any person. The Atlantic slave trade was originated in West Africa and became a systematic institution in American and European economies. This plague brought about an inevitable existence of the nations greatest political conflict. The slave trade evoked heartbreak, and a horror to society as the nation became split over puritan values and economic growth. Stowe (1852) “The thing itself is the essence of all abuse” (p. 622). The American slave trade was notorious in the sense that it dehumanized and mistreated fellow people to a degree of animalization. In 1619 the Dutch introduced the first captured Africans to the Americas, igniting the beginning of the slavery system, which soon evolved into one of the most horrific treatment towards fellow men. King Charles II ordered that the Royal African Company to transport Africans from West Africa to America, in order to help with the growing demand of tobacco and cotton produced by American plantations. In 1807 England outlawed the slave trade, but the need for inexpensive labor was so great that the slave trade in the south of the newly formed United States flourished. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe familiarizes the reader with a 19th century farm located in the southern state of Kentucky. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a revolutionary novel depicting the lives

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