
The Society Of Francis Of The Age Of 44

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The society that Francis lived in is different from the society I live in today. In fact, many people in today’s society including myself have the notion that Francis dying at the age of 44 was tragic and that he was in the prime of his life. However, people in the society that Francis lived deemed him fortunate to have lived for so long. Similarly, individuals living in today’s society and during Francis’ time relied on money, goods, and material things as the key to their happiness” (Spoto xix). 3. How are the people Francis defended different from/similar to the people who live in our society today? The people Francis defended are similar to the people who live in our society today. In addition to this, Francis defended, many people whom were poor, destitute, diseased, and disowned by their society. These people that Francis defended are similar to the people who live in society today, in the regard that they are seen as outcasts because they did not possess the ideal image, faith, and materialistic things that their peers do. Furthermore, this is still in effect today there are people who are destitute not by choice but by underlining circumstances beyond their control that led them there. 4. What surprised me the most in the Introduction is…. What surprised me the most in the Introduction is that by proclamation canonization could be viewed as a clever way to control, isolate, and to seize extraordinary people and make them the property of Catholicism (Spoto xvii).

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