
The Sociological Theory Of Stress Theory : Explusion Of Individuality

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Stress theory is a sociological theory that can be used to support Fromm’s arguments in regards to this illusion of individuality. Stress theory is the concept that stressors in society, whether positive or negative, have an influence on the mental well being of an individual. This is evident when Fromm talks about the result of individuals trying to conform to this societal culture politeness. He argues that society has a culture that forces individuals to be pretend to be happy or smile to conceal their true emotions. This can lead to stress, especially if the individual works in the field for a while because he has to pretend to feel emotions that he is not currently feeling. The problem is further complicated by the fact that if the individual refuses to abide by these norms, he may lose his job which increases the stress in his life thereby making his life unbearable. Another source of stress according to Fromm is seen when children make their way into high school and college. They enter these systems only knowing what the previous systems have taught them and have no idea on how to think independently. This becomes a problem because the questions increase only for the system to refuse them answers. This causes stress on students who struggle to satisfy their curiosity and also conform to society at the same time. This leads to teens finding ways to cope with this stress like taking illicit drugs which could lead to a dependency and potential for future abuse.

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