
The Spirit Of The Sun

Good Essays

The sun moving slowly & and getting smaller to the south
All of the Sun Gods share the same birth and death sequence because in reality it’s nothing but the sun’s transitioning before it shifts it’s direction back into the northern hemisphere bringing spring (Or salvation). The ancient people did not celebrate the resurrection of the sun until the Spring Equinox (Easter). This is because during the spring equinox the sun overpowers the darkness as daytime becomes longer than the night.

The greatest reference to astrological symbolism in the Bible, right next to the story of Jesus, are the Twelve Disciples. The Twelve Disciples are nothing but the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. Which Jesus (The Sun) travels with. What’s interesting is the fact that the number 12 is repetitive throughout the Bible.
Tribes of Israel
Sons of Jacob
Judges of Israel
Great patriarchs
O.T prophets
Kings of Israel
Princes of Israel

The truth to the Zodiac and the figurative life to the sun was not just an artistic expression or tool used for tracking the sun, but also used as a Pagan Spiritual symbol. Which simplified looks like the symbol of Christianity.

This is not a symbol of Christianity. It is a symbol of the Pagan adaptation of the Zodiac. This is why in early art Jesus is always

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