
The Stigma Of Voting : America Is Facing An All Time Low For Voter Participation?

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America is facing an all-time low in voter participation. Since 2014 the voting population has decreased by “thirty-six and four-tenths percent” (DelReal). Many theories explain the stigma of voting in America. According to the Wolfgang “the leading theory is: many minority voters are discriminated upon and do not believe their vote will count.” Many laws created infringe on the rights of Americans, however, when citizens do not vote the government seizes control on controversial issues , which in turn creates solutions that are less than satisfactory to the civilians. To begin with, the American Government has created many unconstitutional laws such as the Sedition Act of 1918 ( an act passed in 1918 that if anyone talked negatively about the government or war efforts it was punishable by long periods of jail time or death penalty after December 13,1920 the act was repealed due to citizens expressing displeasure) , which restricts the first right to freedom of speech.Freedom of speech, it’s becoming questionable on how free speech actually is in the United States. Watson states , there has been a “seven-teen percent increase in cases of people speaking out against the government , which can be punishable by jail time” , or as conspiracy theorist believe death.The restriction of freedom of speech comes from lack of active participation in American politics .The most recent case that is similar to the Sedition Act of 1918 occurred in 2012 a male citizen named Tarek

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