
The Story Of A Woman Essay

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A woman is standing in her kitchen, cooking dinner for her husband and her three children. She has many things on her mind other than food: her children, her health, her life. During her distraction, the bread that she had put in the oven to toast begins to burn and it smells of smoke in the kitchen. She desperately pulls the pan out of the oven and begins to fan the bread, hoping that her husband in the living room does not smell it. Her husband enters the kitchen, smells the remnants of the smoke, and walks slowly over to her. She uses her body to shield the seared bread while realizing that the relief she just felt is gone. Her husband asks what happened and she opens her mouth to answer…when he smacks her across the face. “Can you ever do anything right?!” he yells. The children glance in through the open door, then scatter when they see their mom’s wide-eyed expression. The bruise begins to form already and the scar tissue around her broken heart opens back up again. This, unfortunately, is a reality for many women around the world, especially in the United States. They live in fear every day, wondering if today is the day that their spouse will end their lives. Others endure endless verbal abuse, killing their self-esteem and their will to live. Domestic violence is an epidemic that is on the rise around the world. We must come together and propose a solution to help women feel safe and secure in their homes and in their relationships. Per the National Coalition

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