The Strategic Analysis of Google, Inc. Laura P. Fann Mount Olive College
Tillman School of Business BUS 370, International Business Management Dr. Khalid Dubas, Professor of Marketing March 16, 2012
Company History
Google made it’s beginning in 1996 as a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual web pages. In 1998 its founders, Stanford University graduate students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin formalized their work, creating the company we know today as Google. The company
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This is down 2 percent from December. Google led the way with 11.8 billion of the total searches (down 2 percent from December); Bing ended up with 2.7 billion (down 2 percent), followed close by Yahoo with 2.5 billion (down 5 percent). Ask Network had 527 million searches (down 1 percent), followed by AOL with 277 million (down 3 percent). (Goodwin, 2012) Strengths Google is renowned for its search engine technology and is second to none in the search engine marketplace as it stands. Among its competitors (Yahoo, AOL, msn, infoseek, ask jeeves, etc.), Google quickly became a household name as searchers discovered that it was not your average search engine. Google set itself apart from its competition by providing more unique information in its searches than the other available search engines. (Alex Harrison, 2011) Google has developed a strong brand equity which tops the list of the world’s most powerful brands averaging about 30% growth this year. (Manjoo, NOV2011, Issue 160) Google occupies a place at the top of the minds of online consumers. The word “Google” and “search” are used synonymously. A Google search has become the most recognized method to find information on the internet. (Alex Harrison, 2011)
Website owners are drawn to using Google because of the company’s ability to help these site owners create useful information. Google Ad words are an advertising platform that places
Google Inc. is one of the leading computer search engines in the world and is continuing to grow as the
Google is the most popular search engine in the entire world. Google made the biggest impact on the internet. All the question to the answer is one click away, without doing tons of research and hard work. Despite it makes our lives easy, in the article “Is Google making us stupid” by Nicholas Carr, Carr pointed out many issues caused by using google.
AdWords is Google's advertising product and main source of revenue. AdWords offers pay-per-click advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text and banner ads. The AdWords program includes local, national, and international distribution. Advertisements are short, consisting of one title line and two content text lines and/or image. The "content network" shows AdWords ads on sites that are not search engines. These content network sites are those that use AdSense, the other side of the Google advertising model. AdSense is used by website owners who wish to make money by displaying ads on their websites. User’s click on ad displayed on a Web page means that advertiser pays Google and Google give percentage of that amount to the webpage. The third way in which they make money is through its Google Search Appliance, which they sell to their customers. This Google’s search technology can be integrated into a third party’s Web page or intranet. This appliance delivers accurate search results throughout a number of documents. Meaning your company would have its own search engine and it would work just as well as Licensing fees ranged from $30,000 to $600,000. There is also Google MiniSearch Appliance designed for small businesses. Some of the most important strengths of the Google’s business model are: Reliable pricing system, scalable architecture, disruptive business model, and efficient ad system and relevant ads.
Google Company is one of the global leaders in technology and in enabling people access information from the internet through their efficient search engines. Google immediately gained the attention of the internet sector for being a better search engine than its competitors (Wheelen, Hunger, Hoffman, & Bamford, 2015). This was after a tremendous effort in marketing their services and capturing a large market worldwide. However, there being so many risks and challenges in this line of business Google has had the urge to come up with new strategies so that they are able to overcome any challenge before them. The major problem that Google has
In 1998, Stanford University graduates Larry Page and Sergey Brin combined their ingenuity and built a search engine called “BackRub” that evolved into what is now known as Google. Google, with over 150 domains, now functions as a search engine that offers many different products and services including web applications, advertising, sports scores, stock quotes, headlines, addresses, videos, etc. Google’s focus is “to provide useful and relevant information to the millions of people around the world as they rely on us (Google) to provide the answers they are seeking.”
Google is a multinational corporation that serves thousands of consumers worldwide. Through Internet related products such as Internet searches, maps, emails, mobile apps, and other online contents for users Google became the company it is today. Every employee of Google is different in his or her own way; making it a well-diversified organization similar to the global audience they serve. Google’s mission statement is to organize information from all around the world and make it universally accessible at a quick and orderly fashion. This means creating a search engine smart
Google is a company that was conceptualized in a dorm room by two Stanford University college students in 1996 (Arnold, 2005, p. 1) and has morphed into one of the greatest technological powerhouses in operation today. What began as merely a means to analyze and categorize Web sites according to their relevance has developed into a vast library of widely utilized resources, including email servicing, calendaring, instant messaging and photo editing, just to reference a few. Recent statistics collected by reflects that of the 10 billion searches performed within the United States during the month of February, 2008, an impressive 5.9 billion of them were executed by Google (Burns, 2008). Rated as Fortune Magazine’s
In current, Google is the one of the most public companies in the world. Google is an American multinational technology corporation that is specialized in Internet-related services as well as products. For case, software, online advertising technologies, cloud computing, search engine, etc. are the major products and services of Google (Google Inc. 2015). In addition to this, there are numerous competitor of Google Inc. For example, Apple, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, etc. are the major competitors of Google.
Today, Google, Inc. is worth more than General Motors, McDonald's and Disney combined, and the company continues to model the way in the global technology industry in which it competes. In fact, the company's name has become a verb and it is common practice for consumers to "Google" what they want to find online. To determine how Google, Inc. reached this dazzling level of performance in a relatively short period of time, this paper provides an analysis of the three external environments in which Google competes, the general environment, the industry environment and the competitor environment. Next, a discussion of two specific strategic issues as well as opportunities and threats that are facing Google, Inc. is followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.
Google is one of the most successful corporations that have ever been established. Through innovation, persistence, growth,
Google is the most successful information technology and web search company in the world. It was founded in 1998 by two Stanford Ph.D. students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The company name, Google, is a play on the word “googol” which is a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. Larry Page and Sergey Brin chose this name to reflect the large amount of information on the web. The two created this search engine so that people can find anything on the web all in one place. The company’s mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Now, the company is far more than a search engine website, it has grown to be a substantial collection of products and services that are
Google is a global technology leader, focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Through innovations in web search and advertising, Google is now a top Internet destination and possesses one of the most recognized brands in the world. Available to anyone with an Internet connection, Google maintains the world’s largest online index of web sites and other content.
Google is a to web based searched engine, is owned by Google.Inc. It is the most-used search engine in the world’s web. Google handles more than three billion searches each day. As of February 2015 it is the most used search engine in the US with 64.5% market share. The order of search on Google 's search-results pages is based on a priority rank called a Google Search provides many different options for customized search. These options can be specified in a different way on an advanced search. The main purpose of Google Search is to enhance and broaden the text and publicly accessible documents offered by web servers. As opposed to sources, images, and data searches which, was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Bin in 1997. Google Search provides several features beyond searching for words. Since the beginning Google has tried to be best known for its best user experience. Google’s main competitors include baidu, soso, Nave, Yahoo, Bing. Some smaller search engines offer facilities not available with Google, not storing any private or tracking information.
In 1998, two Stanford students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founded Google. Google’s humble beginnings began in Page’s dorm room as a search engine titled “Backrub” (Hall & Hosch, 2014). Search engines were initially made by other companies, however the other search engines returned results by ranking the websites by the number of times a word or phrase appeared on them. The founders of Google took this method a step further and designed a search engine that would also check the number “backing links” this phrase had connected with it (Hall & Hosch, 2014). Google was able to take a prior invention and rewrite how the main idea was formed, and they continue to do this in their ideas today.
Google ranks just a notch below Microsoft Corporation at #3 on the Forbes most valuable brands. With a brand value of 65.6 Billion dollars, This Company is one of the biggest organizations in the technology domain. Google was primarily known for its internet search based offering, however the company has diversified in the recent years into offering a variety of products such as messaging (Gmail), blogs, videos (YouTube), mapping (Google Maps), Social networking, Operating systems (Open Handset Alliance), Readers, Cloud based services etc. which has enabled it to be become one of the market leaders in its segment.