
Struggle For Land In Israel Conflict Essay

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The Struggle for Land in Israel and Palestine: What’s the Problems Ahead?
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a continuing conflict, which is a part of Arab-Israel conflict and the Middle East war. This paper mainly explores the conflicts which caused the struggle for land in Israel and Palestine.
Why Is It So Hard to Stop Struggling For Land? The land struggle between Israel and Palestine have never ended for almost a century. Today, though there are a lot of agreements, the conflicts and the possibility of the war are still existent. There four main reasons to explain why it is so hard to stop struggling for land: the history, water resources, vengeance, and religious.
The History
Both of two ethnics claim to the land of …show more content…

In Israel, “Large amounts (700-900 mm) are measured in the Golan and the Galilee mountains and in the south Karmel (Carmel).” and “In the south of the Negev and in the Elat Mountains amounts of rain even lower than 25 mm/yr are measured.” (Israel Water Context, 1961-1990 [3]) Unbalanced distribution of water resources in space and time makes this region serious shortage of water. And the river and lakes are scarce in this area. Jordan River is the only perennial river in this region. River and lakes are direct water sources for human. Thus, naturally, the Jordan River becomes the fuse of the struggle for land in Israel and Palestine.
“Israel will settle scores with those who are killing and those who are encouraging them. Anyone who raises their hand against us will have their hand cut off.” (Bob Fredericks, 2015 [4]). After reading Netanyahu’s words, we can truly know how the vengeance plays a part in the Conflicts between Israel and Palestine. The vengeance in two groups of people just started at Jewish immigration began. Small anger and shock cumulated to a huge crack in two sides. When one side launched rockets, the other side must take a counter back to against. Thus, this the reason why the vengeance causes the struggle in two sides.
It’s definitely a religious war. That the land struggle especially happens in Jerusalem and the holy sites can explain this. And also, two leaders both use “religion in recent

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