
Solid Writing Pedagogy In Rural Schools

Decent Essays

The literature review in the previous chapter shows the struggle rural school systems face every day. It also establishes the need for solid writing pedagogy in rural schools. Research presented in the literature review clearly shows that writing is a crucial piece of the puzzle for student success across curricular areas, that writing instruction is in a state of crisis, and that this crisis is exacerbated by the many other issues plaguing rural school systems across the country. Chapter three includes an overview of the research methodology associated with this study. It also includes a description of the research design, methodology used to distribute and collect survey questions, sampling procedures, data collection procedures, and …show more content…

Accordingly, student test scores will be culled from Tennessee’s public access website. No student names are attached to test scores. While specific schools within the school system are identified in the test scores, no identifying information regarding students is attached. 2015 test scores will be used because data from 2016’s standardized tests in the state of Tennessee are questionable, at best. During the 2015-2016 school year, Tennessee attempted to complete state testing via computer for the first time. This attempt failed when servers across the state crashed midway through the first day of testing, leaving students unable to complete testing. Since these scores provide an incomplete picture of student achievement, scores from the previous school year will be used for this study.
Research Design
With the purposes of this study being to discern whether teachers in rural areas are trained in and using research-based strategies to teach writing, an established survey entitled “Writing Test Practices” was located. Previously used in a research study conducted by Gilbert and Graham, this survey appraises how teachers teach writing. It focuses specifically on how teachers use eleven research-based strategies and how much time they spend teaching writing. Consequently, survey results will be used to determine whether teachers in rural Scott County are trained in

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