
The Sugar Industry In India

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Chapter 1
India has been known as the original home of sugarcane and sugar. Indians knew the art of making sugar since the fourth century. However the advent of modern sugar industry in India dates back to mid 1930's when a few vacuum pan units were established in the sub-tropical belts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Until the mid 50s, the sugar industry was almost wholly confined to the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. After late fifties or early sixties the industry dispersed into Southern India, Western India and other parts of Northern India.
India is the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. The sufficient and well distributed monsoon rains, rapid population growth and substantial increases in sugar production capacity have combined to make India the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. …show more content…

With over 450 sugar factories located throughout the country, the sugar industry is amongst the largest agro processing industries, with an annual turnover of Rs150bn. It plays a major role in rural development and its importance for India stretches far beyond the role of a sweetener supplier.
The sugar factories located in various parts of the country work as nuclei for development of rural areas by mobilizing rural resources and generating employment, transport and communication facilities. Over 45mn farmers, their dependants and a large mass of agricultural labor are involved in sugarcane cultivation, harvesting and ancillary activities constituting 7.5% of the rural population. The sugar industry employs over 0.5mn skilled and unskilled workmen, mostly from the rural

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